48 Laws of Power: Law #7 Get Others to Do The Work For You, But Always Take the Credit

Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take credit

  •      Use the skills of others to do the work for you, never do yourself what others can do for you.
  •      Your efficiency will appear god-like.

A great example of this law would be Steve Jobs. He is revered as a legend. He certainly was extremely important to Apple’s success but he never actually developed any of Apple’s products going all the way back to when Wozniacki actually built the first Mac. Most people seem to think he single-handedly came up with the Mac, the iPod, iPhone, iTunes and the iPad. This of course is not true. He masterfully marketed Apple’s products and himself. But he always had very talented and skilled people doing the actual nitty gritty work of developing Apple’s products. He became a cult of personality and cultivated an almost magical aura about him. He could have farted in a can, called it the iFart and people would have lined up for hours in front of Apple stores to spend their hard earned money on it.


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1 thought on “48 Laws of Power: Law #7 Get Others to Do The Work For You, But Always Take the Credit

  1. Hi great readinng your blog


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