48 Laws of Power: Law #5 So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard it with Your Life

Law 5: So much depends on reputation – guard it with your life

  •      Reputation is the cornerstone of power.
  •      Reputation alone will make you win.
  •      Destroy enemies by attacking their reputation.

Be aware of your current reputation and live up to it!

A few summers back, my usual group of friends would hang around in a water park. Once, the son of the richest guy in our town decided to join us. We were all in awe…for about 15 minutes.

When he came, we immediately moved aside to offer him a seat and whenever he spoke, we’d quickly shut up and turn to listen to him. He instead, really let himself go. He started telling us he was late bcs his mother didn’t approve of his boxers. Oookay??! As we didn’t laugh frantically, he followed with more examples of how ‘lame’ his mom was.

awkward silence

In about 14 minutes the dude proceeded to destroy the reputation that he held as “the son of one of the richest and most respected men in town” to an “awkward, lame dude”.

To be honest he was an alright kid, but because he failed to live up to our expectations based on his families reputation, we thought even less of him.

It took less than 15 minutes to destroy a families reputation that took decades to build.


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1 thought on “48 Laws of Power: Law #5 So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard it with Your Life

  1. Well, he was just being human, and friend. Nothing is wrong with him; how about his friends?


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